Our mission statement: To provide individuals with organically grown vegetables using accountable stewardship; returning to the earth more than taken, and respecting the value of an honest day's work.

Welcome to our sustainable farm. We have been growing vegetables for our customers since 1993. Our mission statement reflects our commitment to providing you with the best, environmentally responsible vegetables we can grow. We are a small family farm located in the Beryl Valley of southern Utah. You can find Purebred Nubian goats, chickens, Jacob and Shetland sheep on our farm. Early mornings finds us milking goats to make cheese, and feeding the excess milk to our laying hens. Wool from our sheep is hand-spun into yarn to make socks and warm gloves and hats for winter chores. Every day is filled with the wonder of growing and providing for our needs and sharing some of our bounty with others. Your membership in our farm gives us the opportunity to live the lifestyle we enjoy and provides you the best food your hard earned money can buy.
Following are several examples of last years Full Share deliveries
June 10, rhubarb, apricots, cherries, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, sugar-snap peas, shell peas, spinach, fennel, garlic, onions, beets, herbs, aragula, honey, and herbed salt.
June 26, pecans, carrots, beets, large head red loose leaf lettuce, mesculm mix, spinach, chard, elephant garlic, onions, aragula, wild greens lamb quarter,, dandelions,, carrots, squash, apricots, strawberries and figs.
July 10, peas, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, yellow squash, lettuce, chard, onions,radishes beets, shallots, tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, hot peppers, green peppers, stir-fry, apricots, plums, strawberries, and watermelon
August 10, string beans, yellow Cheroke wax beans, eggplant, Armenian cucumbers, english cukes, squash( 5 different kinds plus more if you wanted for canning or bread) stir-fry, heirloom tomatoes, baby salad mix, large storage onions, golden beets, red beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, rhubarb, cantelope, canary melons, grapes, peaches and strawberries
SEPT AND OCTOBER same of the above plus winter root crops, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, and items from the greenhouse
I will have CSA information here soon. We have plenty of shares available. We provide our customers with the best vegetables WE can grow. By growing all the vegetables ourselves you can be assured of great quality, superior taste, just picked freshness, and absoutly NO chemicals. The fruit share is provided by my sister and an egg share is also available.