Cricket Song Farm

Cricket Song Farm

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Radish Report

This year has been a mixed-up, don't know which end is up, I am ready to give-up, kind of year.  The bugs have all been worked out now, and here is the final, ......well maybe-not....... decision.
*CSA deliveries will only be available in Roosevelt.

*  St. George, sporadically..... I will be sending my produce down for my sister Shelly to sell,
 check out her booth on the north/east corner of the square
*Cedar City, will attend when we are at the farm on a Saturday or Wednesday evening
*Thursday afternoons in Roosevelt at the old city park
*Saturday mornings in Vernal on Main Street

crops that I have available now for market:

beans:  yellow wax, Cherokee, purple, and green
lettuce: red oak, green bib, black seeded simson, mesclum mix
peppers: green bell, sweet banana, big jim's
tomatoes: roma, heirloom, cherry,
cucumbers: boston pickling, Armenian, European, 
radish: cherry belle, french breakfast, watermelon, and pods
summer squash: green bennings, yellow straight neck, zucchini, and golden

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


"What good are WEEDS?" asked my son as the above picture is what greeted us when we arrived home from an extended time away.  "Oh weeds have lots of use" I replied.  "They helped keep the ground cool while we were away and the plants didn't dry out and die".  The tomato patch (above) was completely overgrown and the task seemed almost too much for a sleepy, worked until 1:00 a.m., mom made him get up EARLY to weed before it got too hot, teen-age boy.  I went on to say," they are a good, nitrogen rich, mulch to lay between the rows, and remember...... I can sell them at market."

click here

this post has a great recipe using Lamb's Quarter

After several hours of work the squash and tomatoes slowly began to appear

We even found that many of the plants had set on tomatoes while we were away

 Weeds make an excellent layer of mulch between the rows of carrots.
I oft times use them as a cover crop.

Remember, a weed is just a nondescript, sometimes noxious, flower growing in the wrong spot.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Marigolds planted in the garden are happy, sun-shinny flowers, they are easy to start from seed and grow without much coddling.  Several varieties of marigolds can serve several purposes.  Thirty years ago in my organic garden I had an unusual year for aphids, hordes and hordes of aphids.  They were so thick working in the garden became almost unbearable.  One evening out pulling weeds, I happened to notice at dusk they all swarmed over to my large 24" tall yellow marigolds.  Every evening for several weeks I would wait until just after dark, break the stem off the large marigolds and place the flowers and at least a kazillion aphids in a plastic bag.  Tying the bag tight I would place it where the sun could COOK those little pests.  My garden was clear of the bugs in a very short time.  Marigolds will always be planted in my gardens.
Keep in mind that to benefit your garden, you must purchase the marigolds with a distinct smell.  The French Marigold ( Tagetes patula) and the African (Tagetes spp.) help mask the sent of vegetables which may confuse flying pests.  Their roots also emit a substance that repels nematodes in the immediate area.  Nematodes, microscopic roundworms, make little knots along roots that result in stunted carrots, potatoes and other root crops. Nematodes also attack the roots of tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and other plants.  Affected plants grow poorly and may die. For serious problems plant the whole area with marigolds the prior year before planting crops.
The South American, sweet marigold, (Tagetes lucida) makes and excellent substitute for French Tarragon.  Note:  I have not tried this.

Marigolds stand as a cheerful barrier along my garden path.

American marigolds can be tall plants, growing up to 36".  They have large, fully double flowers in yellow, gold and orange.  French marigolds have smaller flowers and usually only grow to 12" high.  They come in all colors from a deep orangeish red, to bright yellow.  I like to plant the bi-colored red and orange varieties.  Triploids, a cross between the French and American marigolds have larger flowers, but grow about the height of the French Marigold.  Signet (Tagetes tenuifolia) bear many small flowers.  Marigolds also come in single-flowered varieties, 'Disco' and 'Espana'.

Monday, July 7, 2014

I just can't seem to remember

Something funny happened the other day that would have made a great story and had you laughing until your sides hurt.  But as I sit here and rack my brain I can't for the life of me remember what it was.  I even had it all typed up in my mind, using correct grammar of course (something I don't seem to get right in real life).   Just simply can't remember what it was.  Well....... I am getting up there in years, ya know.  The other day as we were on the road we stopped to have a buffet dinner.  The lady rang us up and collected the money.  It wasn't until half way through the meal I noticed she had given us the Senior Citizen discount!  Didn't even ask if we were old enough, just rung us up.  Yep, my husband can qualify for a discount at some eating joints, but I am not as old as he is, I have all my teeth, I can read a menu if he holds it up for me from across the table, (my arms are not long enough anymore) and I can still get into our 4 wheel drive outfit if he parks right next to the curb.  Senior Discount indeed.  Sure wish I could remember what is was that was so funny I wanted to write about it.......hummm, if I remember, I'll let you know.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On the road again

Stopped to stretch my legs and fill up the tank with gas.  While wandering around I found this.

It was a calm, extremely hot, dry and dusty day.  Wish it would have been blowing, raining, or even snowing.  Thank heavens for an air conditioned vehicle, I am going to need it where I'm going!