Cricket Song Farm

Cricket Song Farm

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


The chives are awakening from their long winter's nap.  I am always so relieved when the tulips and chives begin poking their leaves above the mulch because I know winter is on it's way out and spring is just around the corner.  I dug up several of my chive plants, separating them into bunches of about 20 bulbs and replanted them.  In a couple of days the rhubarb,(check out the rhubarb tag in the right hand column for more info about rhubarb), and perennial onions will be divided.  In the flower beds I have begun dividing the tulips, crocuses, and lilies. 
Chives are a refreshing addition to salads, baked potatoes, and any dish you want to add a subtle oniony flavor.  I pick the just opened chive flowers, tear them apart, and sprinkle the flower heads over scrambled eggs, salads, cottage cheese, potato or macaroni salad.  I also mince the leaves and flowers and add to freshly made goat cheese.
Other spring chores we have been doing around the farm:
burning weeds, 

burning weeds,

oh, did I mention we have been burning weeds?

What are you doing in your garden?

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