Cricket Song Farm

Cricket Song Farm

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spinning with the fiber OUTLAWS

One Saturday a month the Outlaws get together and ---------SPIN, laugh, tell  TALLLLLL  tales, eat yummy food, knit, read favorite passages from a book, and  this month a few of us swapped WHIMZY JARS.

Darci gave me an old vintage canning jar with a pink glass  lid, she also stained the inside of the jar red with food coloring.  It has the old metal ring and she decorated the top with a dragonfly and flowers.


                                                   Here are a few of the items in my jar.

Lots of fun ribbons, rick-rack,  tassels and trinkets to put on my GYPSY BAGS

A hand cross-stitched bit of wisdom

I had one just like this as a kid

An old skeleton key tyed with spun wool hangs off  the side of the jar

Loved this!   I am going to pin it onto one of my straw farm hats I wear to Farmers Market.

Lots of other cool stuff


I will see you all again in October after the CSA season is over. 

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